Saving for college - why it still makes sense
Filip Telibasa Filip Telibasa

Saving for college - why it still makes sense

The 9 month wait is over and you have a child, what now? Unfortunately, sleepless nights are probably part of your new routine, at least early on. One of the things you may be counting at 3:00am (outside of sheep) is how much your new family member will cost you. A big chunk of this could be their college tuition, which somehow continues to rise by more than the cost of other goods (and general inflation). Then, there’s the question of education as a whole in the future - will college even exist? Although we don’t have the answer, we can still be nimble and plan ahead, earning ourselves some key benefits. Continue reading to learn how to approach college savings with a flexible plan that puts your racing, late night/early morning financial thoughts to rest. As for the baby’s odd sleeping hours, you’re on your own…

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